[41] M , 5’9, 230 lb. Taken me a long time to accept my hairy chubby bod. I wish to lose some weight, but other then that I’m happy with myself . Thoughts ?
20. 5”6’. 168 lbs. usually when I’m stressed I turn it in on myself and start hating my body. I’m happy to say that’s not happening this time, and I’d like to thank this sub for contributing to that 🥲
6’2” 235lb M. Got a lot of love from the last pic of my outdoor adventure. This is actually part of a professional photo shoot i was part of. Still waiting on the pro pics.
Hi all 😀 I'm 30. 130 pounds and about 166 cm. Fully clothed people think I'm fit and healthy and have small petite boobs. In reality I have extra flubber and have to hold my stomach in to not look like I'm carrying additional weight. I am about to