Lenita, F28. Russian, only knows basic commands in English. Part of inventory from Russian investor bankruptcy. Labeled as anal virgin, inspection concurs. Been trying to escape on her knees, bruises will heal. Needs training. Starts at $1000
19 year old in need of a master. She’s willing to please, has caring personality and charm. Experienced in vaginal and oral sex. Is also bisexual. Bidding starts at $500.
This just came in . Fully trained she has been trained for single or group use . Dr tested , all clean . She is 28 and now chipped . Can we start the bidding 250 USD
The next stock of captured girls are caged up in the display room. Feel free to browse and inspect the wares before the auctioning begins! Reaching into the cages is allowed of course! And on the spot buys are always welcome if the price is right!