[M] 22, 190lbs, 6'3 Feeling down the past few days. Had a fight w/ the gf, did poorly on a test, and work sucks. Hope everyone had a good first half to their week 💕
Always wanted to weigh a bit more. And now thanks to holidays I've finally achieved my goal. That's the biggest weight I've ever had in my life. Feels sooo gooood
[F] 20, 5’2 , 160 I’ve gained 5 pounds since the last time I weighed myself tbh it’s been a min . But I’ve been told that I don’t look 160 , I’ve been hinted by family members that I should lose some weight , I’ve been told by trolls I’m
34, 120, 5,4 I'm now comfortable showing my lady bits to people but I never used to. I still dont thing my Vagina looks like most others I've seen. I feel like mine is under developed in ways. Most girls have more visible vaginas mine is practically hi
Not a fan of my skinny upper body and protruding ribs, but learning to accept them for what they can do instead of what they look like 26F, 5’6, 110 pounds