I’m 28(F) around 240 pounds and only 5’4 - I’ve always been self conscious about my big belly and saggy breasts but honestly posting on the internet has given me a lot more self confidence in these areas… I’m finally embracing them 💜🖖
Hi darls - f/26/75kg (165lbs) - Feeling a bit self-conscious moment and would love some encouragement Just gotten things pierced and would love some feedback
Thank you for the responses on my last post. I hate my body because of gender dysphoria. It’s killing me. I’m too much of a coward to come out. Not shaving is the only connection to masculinity I have, and that’s not even considered masculine anymo
27 123lbs 5.2 as this post did so well on my previous account (locked out 😭) it seems fitting for this to be the first post on this new profile. Thanks for the confidence boost, last time (still hesitant lol). 😘
(F, 33, 5'5 and dont know my weight.) Last post was taken down due to missing detsils, so I'm reposting with details. I think this photo highlights my uneven breasts which i hate but i love when they float in the bath 😊