Finally getting the courage to post on this thread, everyone’s posts are really inspiring. I have always been pretty insecure about my boobs, often times feel inadequate and “less of a woman” because of them. However I do think my tummy is fairly c
[23F, 46kg, 150cm]. I always hate my tummy. Is it normal to have THICK fat under your skin? I can't seem to get rid of it no matter how hard I exercise/diet.
[F24, 77kgs, 5’6] Posting on various subreddits has made me realise just how uncommon asymmetrical breasts like mine are but this is by far the most pleasant and supportive community on this platform. I feel “normal” here despite my differences.
F 24, 5’ and 100 lb latina. I have always been really shy with my body because I’ve never thought my boobs were big enough and my vagina looks weird. I love the positivity I receive and will continue to love myself more.