First submission! Post-pop of a cuticle infection (accidentally, would have recorded if I knew it would pop today) will provide update if more comes out later 😂
Milia Infected? I stupidly tried popping it. What to do? It's been 3 days of being swollen. I've tried teabags, warm compresses. I've had them for years.
Waiting for the gp to call me back about this little fucker. Had it about a week now, keeps refilling and popping. I'm guessing some kind of skin infection but not 100% sure.
I heard u guys like this kinda thing so I dug it outta the archives! not as impressive as the other bellybutton post :( felt v good when it was out tho :D
Been in pain for over a week, finally decided to soak my foot and see if I could pull this ingrown nail out... This was the aftermath. Instant relief with some puss and blood.