It's a sad day when one must sacrifice their toys. 😭 Mocha and Ridley both fell and broke a glass. They were both exposed to the glass shards so I can't use them again. 😔
When I started out, I bought a small Diego and small Fenrir second-hand. Now medium Sleipnir and large Bumblehooves are my current favorite. I love me some girth. ❤️❤️❤️
WTS **Boosting and showing off medium Snark! UV & GITD** Link to current timestamp photo available in description!! (Please don't report me!) -- Shipping from Canada to CAN/US. Price negotiable. Paypal only!
Check out this gorgeous pour I got as a surprise me. I had no idea the colour was split from top side to bottom side as it was shown side on in the packaging before opening.