any idea how to get rid of this purple bar wo nudes
More photos from Twitch
Can someone in chat crash my stream? This chatter started talking then left this message and before I knew it my entire stream crashed as well as my game and steam itself. Should I be worried or just a troll being a troll?
How would I get this sort of transparent/blending effect at the bottom of my camera border? I use obs.
Unpopular Opinion: Twitch should just let these girls use dildos and stream nude at this point. They want it, Twitch wants it, we all want it, just make it happen.
I just started streaming, and I'm trying to download my videos. I think I might be able to download the clips I uploaded, but I go into my video manager and get this message. I turned on auto archive on my streaming, so they're all saved somewhere I th
Twitch always shows the streamer's offline page when they are really live. I can also see chat, but not the stream.
Why does this error always pop up and close what ever I'm watching every 5 minutes on my Nintendo switch?