Have had this annoying cyst on my head for years. Finally couldn’t take it anymore and bf saved me a derm trip. First couple squeezes had pus/goop and then finally the pocket poked out. Sorry no video of the corn coming out. But boy does it feel better
Had a monster cystic acne on my chin for 2 weeks now that refused to do anything and I tried to squeeze it on camera to no avail. The moment I tried to do it in the mirror this was the result. 2 cores came out. O_o (holding a shirt up so the camera would
Thought y'all would enjoy this beautiful coral cloud that came out of a neverending blackhead on my bf's back (it refills every few months, thankfully)
Off to the hospital! My wound is doing much better and the normal swelling is down but the back of my leg around the knee has gotten huge and we don’t know why. I’ll try to post if I can but don’t count on it for a while. (Note posted just to have
Wife pulled this out of my damn armpit. No idea how long it's been there. I just noticed a tiny pinch in my armpit and thought it was just a small splinter. Wish I would have been recording.
Milia Infected? I stupidly tried popping it. What to do? It's been 3 days of being swollen. I've tried teabags, warm compresses. I've had them for years.
Anybody have any idea what this could be? Thought it was an ingrown hair but I pulled small ones out and its still here. Maybe a cyst? In genital area.