Does someone know how to get a chatbox like this? I checked all the settings in streamlabs OBS, but there is no way to make it bend into the screen like this
Has this happened to anyone else? I've changed my stream key multiple times and still can't go live. Idk what to do at this point I'm not very experienced with streaming
Welcome to the show. New to this streaming thing and giving it a go! Come through sometime! Going to be streaming MLB The Show, COD, and BF2042! Follow @DonkeyRopeTV!
This may be a dumb question, but I'm at a loss. I don't want to install another app if I can help it (authy..). If I don't install or log into Authy, will SMS be my default authenticator? If not, how can I enable SMS authentication?
I compiled all the new Hype Train emotes by level since this has not been done anywhere else. The official Twitch "Hype Train Guide" does not show these new emotes, so I think they will be gone on Nov 7th once animal week is done. Can you help me get T