Feminism decries patriarchy and promises equality to all, like a good politician. Patriarchy actually treats all women equal, treats all women as usable and worthwhile objects, no matter the differences with the only exception that she knows her place an
I was looking through my old archives and found this image. This is where I first started Allan Industries. Yes that's right, the Empire's largest producer of torture devices started in a garage.
The Patriarchy will win, for the simple fact that is true. Woman should be, deep down they know they ought be kept down, controlled, kept silent. Feminism is not the cure, it's the mirage.
This cunt was a promotional add-on. Both were certified to be shipped out the same day. This cunt hopes her owner enjoys his purchase from CustomGamerPCs.com
ANNOUNCEMENT - Sold my second subject of my latest auction. Subject Stacy has been sold to u/Evilcat38 for 20g of gold. Subject Crystal is still in talks. Subjects Alexis and Elle have yet to receive an offer. Follow link in comments to see auction post.