Anyone else have this problem? I know my gmail and youtube are connected, as I can log in and everything. But I keep getting this connection error. Help?
Any way to get rid of the chat Bots? i have 1 viewer and rest are bots i tried to ban some but damn they are so many any tips? i mean how they can even enter chat if the only follow chat is activated?
I just linked my prime account to my twitch and. I wanted to extend my subscription because it ends in a few days. But it’s greyed out any ideas why?
This is what I get when i search for a chanel on Android browser, considering also the problem that others have with vods, it has 100% to do with the hack.
Ty Twitch for giving gamers a voice. Today marks 100 days in a row on stream. Learned so much and forever grateful. Started from the bottom but we still here. The process continues, day by day we have the wonderful gift to plant seeds that will eventuall
If I use this picture for my profile pic, will it get me In trouble? I just found the two pics. The Supreme one on Google, and the master chief helmet on reddit, I cropped the helmet so the background isn't in the image, and the Supreme meme didn't hav