just bought these Doc Marten Iowa's. can anyone tell me if these will be table to get re-soled in the future. Also, does anyone have any feedback on "crazy horse" leather?
I was lucky enough to come upon a pair of Dan Post lizard skin boots for a bargain. The store owner said that they had been worn a few times, and then the fella who bought them passed away. His wife returned the boots, and the store owner gave her a refu
I stumbled upon this image of boots on internet and been crazy about it, tried to look on any of the shopping website and i couldnt find it. In case anyone know, look forward on where to buy it!
Zamberlan Baltoro lites: one new set of tread and over 2000 miles of hiking in the year I've owned them. Should get another year out of them no problem. As a forester and a avid hiker I really put boots through hell and these have my stamp of approval.