I saw this upon coming into a streamer I follow. I watch this man nearly every time he goes live and was here 2 hours prior and everything was normal. NO idea what this is. Is it new? How do we resolve it? He never banned me. He's actively trying to fig
so basically i just want to add my phone number to my account, ive having a issue to put my phone number, and it said its not valid phone number. any ideas could fix?
Has anyone else been having trouble exporting their VODS. im using the same email for my vod channel and twitch but it says i dont have a channel associated with the email
Please do not offer services to streamers without getting straight to the point. Or atleast try to get to know them first! ( I was not trying to be mean alright )
Has this happened to anyone else? I've changed my stream key multiple times and still can't go live. Idk what to do at this point I'm not very experienced with streaming