Can someone in chat crash my stream? This chatter started talking then left this message and before I knew it my entire stream crashed as well as my game and steam itself. Should I be worried or just a troll being a troll?
My twitch stats surprised me so much because the only people who ever watch me are my friends who are followed and no one else ever talks so I’m just confused if the searches and other are all randoms or what?
Have I missed a step creating custom chat commands for stream chat? I have Streamlabs modded in chat as well, but when I type the command, nothing happens.
Yo everyone,basically I've reached 50 follows today (like 12h ago) and on my "Path to Affiliate" it shows that I have 42/50 follows. Should it update on its own or its some kind of bug ?
Idk if twitch mobile is bugged or what but i have random emotes floating in the chat, covering all the messages. The app is up to date etc. Anyone have any ideas whats going on?