Waiting for the gp to call me back about this little fucker. Had it about a week now, keeps refilling and popping. I'm guessing some kind of skin infection but not 100% sure.
Update: it started draining about an hour before going to Urgent Care and the doctor squeezed a bit and gave me an oral antibiotic prescription. I'm sorry I didnt record it. Also here's another hat for you cornballs.
Tiny, painful, hard white bump right on the inside of the knuckle on my thumb. This is what I presume is a forbidden pop… has anyone else gotten something like this before? It hurts like mad to bend my thumb. It’s hard to see but the center of the bu
New piercing infection... I was cleaning the earring and trying to relieve some of the itching by pulling on the lobe away from the piercing and this is what I accidently let out...