Welp. My custom order from August (a small John in ConSig 19) finally came after 2 months and... it doesn't glow at all. Literally 0 glow pigment used in the toy. How BD??? I'm so bummed
Signature Habu. This bad boy arrrived today much to my surprise and enjoyment. Sitting next to my L Habu is my go to dildo which is 9 Inches and 7.5 girth...oops, am so not prepared to get past that humongous bulge. Should I get another toy between these
I snagged this gorgeous REVVVEREND DOOMSDAY from the Velvet Alley drop today. I was eyeing this one since they started teasing the model. I think the brass coloring compliments it beautifully. I can't wait to see this beast in person.