Twitch search/filter algorithm is BROKEN. Useless. In the "browse" section, filter is useless, u can find NOTHING. The "search" box basically let you find only exact channel names related queries. YOU ARE LOSING MILLIONS OF HOURS OF WATCHTIME. I come
This happened to anyone else? Twitch loads but 9/10ths of the UI is completely broken. I have to type the streamer in to the URL if I want to see them and even when I do that most of the UI is still missing
Why can’t I connect to YouTube and upload my vods anymore? My YouTube account very much does exist im literally using it right now to watch YouTube on my tv. Twitch just up and said “fuck you no more YouTube”
for the past couple of weeks whenever i try my mobile twitch stream manager it won’t let me select a game or ad break no matter what i try. i also cant change my title or go live notification because every field needs something, i’ve tried deleting a
I keep getting these weird users in my feed but they are not real people that I can talk to. how do I block this? Sometimes the list is 10 names long. most lead to just broadcasted chat channels.
Twitch Channel Overview!Been a challenge to keep viewers in channel since I stream off my PS5. Been improving set up each day and quality. I’ve noticed more traffic in my channel last few days, happy with all those who take time to view my channel and