question: What does the view count number in the bottom left of this video mean? It's from 3 years ago, so is it the number of live views from when it was streamed, or the views of the vod? or a total of both?
Partner application approved... on RACCOON APPRECIATION DAY!! (oct 1st)! I'm incredibly thankful and humbled. Never give up on your dreams!! You never know where they may take you! <3
This may be a dumb question, but I'm at a loss. I don't want to install another app if I can help it (authy..). If I don't install or log into Authy, will SMS be my default authenticator? If not, how can I enable SMS authentication?
This happened to anyone else? Twitch loads but 9/10ths of the UI is completely broken. I have to type the streamer in to the URL if I want to see them and even when I do that most of the UI is still missing