27F / 5 ft 5”. 127lbs <— 112 lbs. It’s been almost a year since I’ve stopped my chronic dieting. Feel much better now and even though there may not be much of a visible difference, there are days when I mourn my really skinny body.
(f, 122, 5') I was thinking about posting this picture for a long time. Im not as slender and tight as I was before 3 kids. But after all Im proud of my naughty mom body, and that I love sex even now. What do you think?
[F] 20, 5’2 , 160 I’ve gained 5 pounds since the last time I weighed myself tbh it’s been a min . But I’ve been told that I don’t look 160 , I’ve been hinted by family members that I should lose some weight , I’ve been told by trolls I’m