When my friend told me they has the best idea for a present I didn't think I wouls... <Hhzzcchjkk> obey~ master~ (source: https://hypnohub.net/post/show/108601/absurdres-anal-blush-bottomless-breasts-christmas-)
Creator: Mahi (G808080Ga) | doppel {on Pixiv} | Material: Genshin Impact {Google it!} {Hentify it!} Image links: Pixiv | Gelbooru | Danbooru | Sankaku | DeviantArt || Take a deep breathe and realize how badly you want to take care of me
As Samus stared into the blue crystal, she realized that sinking into trance was better than thinking, and she'd let her new master do the thinking for her from now on. [Art by Hyoukai, Manip by Danni68]