The aftermath of me trying to get 3 pimples (stacked above each other) out of my face. Been there for at least 2 weeks and it's annoying me and hurts when I touch it. Now it's even worse
I heard u guys like this kinda thing so I dug it outta the archives! not as impressive as the other bellybutton post :( felt v good when it was out tho :D
That hurt, but because it looks like the full capsule does that mean its just over? I have a hole in my head now but really hoping it doesn't grow back
Tiny, painful, hard white bump right on the inside of the knuckle on my thumb. This is what I presume is a forbidden pop… has anyone else gotten something like this before? It hurts like mad to bend my thumb. It’s hard to see but the center of the bu
in a groggy, half-conscious state, felt something poking inside of my nose... proceeded to get a massive nosebleed after this.. pretty sure i just pulled a vital connection to my brain lmao