MRSA, spent a week in the hospital on IV antibiotics for this infection. If I stood it would drain on its own. Gave him a squeeze and a long black string came out. Surgeon, told me it was a vein. Had to pack it for two weeks after.
Tiny, painful, hard white bump right on the inside of the knuckle on my thumb. This is what I presume is a forbidden pop… has anyone else gotten something like this before? It hurts like mad to bend my thumb. It’s hard to see but the center of the bu
Had a monster cystic acne on my chin for 2 weeks now that refused to do anything and I tried to squeeze it on camera to no avail. The moment I tried to do it in the mirror this was the result. 2 cores came out. O_o (holding a shirt up so the camera would
Blackhead from ear. Not the best or biggest but it’s my first post! This was inside my ear and I could feel it with my finger but couldn’t get it out. I finally got it out by using the end of a bobby pin.