When my friend told me they has the best idea for a present I didn't think I wouls... <Hhzzcchjkk> obey~ master~ (source: https://hypnohub.net/post/show/108601/absurdres-anal-blush-bottomless-breasts-christmas-)
Here's a little mantra I usually use: Good girls don't like to think for themselves, Good girls find it hard to think for themselves, Good girls need people to think for them, Good girls find it so much easier to let people think for them, Good girls d
Creator: Mahi (G808080Ga) | doppel {on Pixiv} | Material: Genshin Impact {Google it!} {Hentify it!} Image links: Pixiv | Gelbooru | Danbooru | Sankaku | DeviantArt || Take a deep breathe and realize how badly you want to take care of me