Some ilp filler progress, npte how I never had a Cupids Bow but skilled filling of the border has given me one! Pumping them up more on July 29th, now I have the shape its time go to go crazy with volume. Making good progress with my savings for a BA too
4 surgerys, full face fillers, 16cc lip fillers. Tattoos, piercings. New mind and look at this life. I’m happy, as never before ✨💕 I’ll continue. I’m not even close to my goal. 1010cc boobs is waiting! New fillers booked in February.
I still have work to do but I’m proud of my progress so far, the bottom pictures are from when I was 18 (and anorexic/on drugs) the top pictures are me now at 20, drug free and happy. Being a bimbo is truly the way and I’m so confident now✨💞