Had a rilly rilly hard week trying to deal with being away from daddy soon. He let me go super little and do some coloring in his special book. Im gonna to miss himm sooooooo much 😭😭😭😭
Hiya, I’m Kitty and really excited to be here. I had a pretty rough day and thought this would be a great place to wind down. I totaled my car so it’s all I can think about ✨🤪
☃️Xmas Is Coming! ☃️ Will You Be Snowballing Next Month?? ❄️ The RACK 🔞 Are Looking For New Blood For Our 14 Fun Filled Group Rooms. Come And Join Us If You Are Looking For A Safe🔞, Kinky⛓️ Space To Socialise👯, Learn📚 & Sh