Have you guys made a mistake by calling someone a pet name out of uncertainty, knowing you’ve been in the community for 2 years or more? I’ll never stop feeling guilty about this.
I have tonsillitis and feel awful, but atleast luna (the bear) and Nala are looking after me. I just need to train one of them to fetch my drinks now...
I is not a happy little right now. My Daddy has not been feelin good for a little bit and she went to the ER today and is there over night now. Dis is the first time we has been apart over night evers and I isn't ok. I sad and scared and I misses my Dad
To my future Daddy, I hope you see this. It's not easy having this kind of mindset. I keep on having positive thoughts but being ghosted multiple times did took a huge part of my already non-existent self esteem. I'm sorry 😔 i got damaged real, real
I’ve been having a really hard time lately, but I’m still trying to smile through it, even though it feels like my smile is falling off 😖 I don’t think anyone notices. I try really hard to be cheerful in front of everyone, but my stuffies know h