Yet Another Bulk Sale. All well used, but thoroughly broken, originally purchased for use as prey in hunting tournament games. 50$ starting bid on each. (OOC: at this point I'm blanking for interesting titles)
19 year old in need of a master. She’s willing to please, has caring personality and charm. Experienced in vaginal and oral sex. Is also bisexual. Bidding starts at $500.
For sale! Trained to be pet slave for last months. Lived in a cage for long time, so she doesn't need any additional place to sleep. Strict mental training is done as well, so she started losing human feelings and thinking as pet, but more training needed.
Slave for sale! Sarah, age 19. She has only received mild obedience training and still has a substantial rebellious streak. She is a virgin and a lesbian, and I will only accept bids from men who intend to use her as a pleasure slave. Starting bid $700