healthy slave age 25experienced in oralvirginia nudes
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Slave for sale! Beth, age 23. She has been trained as a domestic and a pleasure slave. However, she is infertile so she cannot be used for breeding purposes. Starting bid $1600
Well trained, athletic female available for bidding. Skills include fisting, anal, and exceptional oral skills.
Slave for sale! Caroline, age 22. Obedient slave, perfect for use as a pleasure slave. Has received no sexual training as she is a virgin. Starting bid $2000
Healthy slave age 25.Experienced in oral,Virginia and anal sex house broken and ready to serve.Bidding starts at 1000
27 year old male. Experience in hard labor and carriage pulling. Limited domestic experience. Not a virgin. Starting bid $1000
Female slave for sale. She does all the house chores well especially when plugged. Goes as an obedient sex pet as well. Starting bid: $1000