Ty Twitch for giving gamers a voice. Today marks 100 days in a row on stream. Learned so much and forever grateful. Started from the bottom but we still here. The process continues, day by day we have the wonderful gift to plant seeds that will eventuall
I just need to thank whoever working on twitch prime for making their game rewards SO much better, Fallen Order, Total Warhammer, are amazing games! So thank you to whoever working at twitch who works on prime
This is what I get when i search for a chanel on Android browser, considering also the problem that others have with vods, it has 100% to do with the hack.
for the past couple of weeks whenever i try my mobile twitch stream manager it won’t let me select a game or ad break no matter what i try. i also cant change my title or go live notification because every field needs something, i’ve tried deleting a