Twitch search/filter algorithm is BROKEN. Useless. In the "browse" section, filter is useless, u can find NOTHING. The "search" box basically let you find only exact channel names related queries. YOU ARE LOSING MILLIONS OF HOURS OF WATCHTIME. I come
Previously had my mother's amazon account link to my twitch for this. Then we figured out Family, and I linked my email/Amazon account up to my twitch. Can this be reversed so my account can use it? Now this is a problem 😕
Hitting a viscous cycle after you’ve switched games and trying to work your way up and find your niche all over again (after making as much as a grand a month in this business). Can anyone relate to this?
How to make it so that the hosted stream is shown on my main page IN FRONT of my last recorded stream, like on this picture? When I host someone it shows BEHIND my last stream.
If I use this picture for my profile pic, will it get me In trouble? I just found the two pics. The Supreme one on Google, and the master chief helmet on reddit, I cropped the helmet so the background isn't in the image, and the Supreme meme didn't hav