is there anyway to get unlock signing up again? i accidentally put the wrong year for my age and it locked me out for being under 18. This shows whenever i pair my account to the sign ups
I got an e-mail. It was for control. Now Twitch also writes like this. I sent an e-mail, no response, it's been 2 weeks. What do you think I should do?
I just need to thank whoever working on twitch prime for making their game rewards SO much better, Fallen Order, Total Warhammer, are amazing games! So thank you to whoever working at twitch who works on prime
Can someone in chat crash my stream? This chatter started talking then left this message and before I knew it my entire stream crashed as well as my game and steam itself. Should I be worried or just a troll being a troll?
I need help. My twitch account has a monthly consecutive glitch for a resubscription and it’s only one twitch streamer. Though it won’t allow me to resub on my browser either. I’ve contact twitch support and I’ve gotten the same result. It’ll r