Little project I’ve been working on. I haven’t sculpted or painted anything since I was a kid. Decided I’d give it a shot on this paci. It’s a major WIP, but thoughts?
Baby piglet looking for my dada 🥺. Im a little anal piglet baby 🥺 I’m looking for a nice daddy who will take care of me and comfort me and help me with potty training and diaper training and let me listen to his voice when I’m fucking my asspus
Had a stupid injury on Christmas Day by stepping on a new razor from my blender (was no fun), but Daddy to the rescue! He’s been taking care of my bad gash under my foot and it’s healing up pretty quickly. ❤️
I always go with my daddy mark…can be a bracelet or a collar but it’s so cute to remember him anywhere along my day. It matches my nails too 🐱. Do u wear any collar or bracelets?