I’ve been gone all week. So glad to be back home with Him. He ran me a hot bath, charged my Switch, and is making me breakfast for dinner as I get my Animal Crossing fix in. So good to be back home and where I belong.
Everything looks brighter in the morning. Put on one of my favorite little outfits and all snuggled in with my stuffies. Not gonna let a breakup keep me down and sads.
To my future Daddy, I hope you see this. It's not easy having this kind of mindset. I keep on having positive thoughts but being ghosted multiple times did took a huge part of my already non-existent self esteem. I'm sorry 😔 i got damaged real, real
I got a switch yesterday with animal crossing, heres me a Luna playing before work this morning 🥰 I swear i didnt lose track of time and and up being late. 😬