I’ve been gone all week. So glad to be back home with Him. He ran me a hot bath, charged my Switch, and is making me breakfast for dinner as I get my Animal Crossing fix in. So good to be back home and where I belong.
Decided to color for the first time in awhile because I had surgery and keep accidentally pulling the stitches. 🖍🥺 I wish I could give someone all the pictures I color.
I love taking time to make sure Daddy feels loved and cared for too, so after a long day of work he deserves some foot rubbies!! Acts of service are a big part of my love language, share with me what your love language is and some expamples in the commen
I’ve been really busy lately making my NSFW/DDLG/Kink bracelets. They have been really popular and I was wonder what else people in the DDLG community would be interested in? 💖✨