I purposely lost all my points and now have 0. But it still shows up as 740 for some reason, its stuck at that number. Anyone had this before? It might be because I used Xtra for mobile, but im not sure.
I just started streaming, and I'm trying to download my videos. I think I might be able to download the clips I uploaded, but I go into my video manager and get this message. I turned on auto archive on my streaming, so they're all saved somewhere I th
guys, help me. how to resgate the donations? I didnt put any account for money, and the user make a donation, but i dont know for where the money go. please, have any thing that can i do? (im so sorry for my english, my mother language is portuguese, and
for the past couple of weeks whenever i try my mobile twitch stream manager it won’t let me select a game or ad break no matter what i try. i also cant change my title or go live notification because every field needs something, i’ve tried deleting a
So I am trying to see my chat while streaming, so I tried using Restream, but those term of service sound kinda like they are going to steal my twitch account. I am being paranoiac or it is really a scam?
Can someone explain why Patch to Partner doesn’t sync with achievements? My Dashboard also says 80 avrg in the past 30 days and i unlocked 75 avarage on February 3rd which was my last requirement for Path to Partner?