Possibly my final update. Unfortunately I never got to film it and all that’s left is a bloody hole. Now I’m just looking for ways to make sure it doesn’t get infected while healing
in a groggy, half-conscious state, felt something poking inside of my nose... proceeded to get a massive nosebleed after this.. pretty sure i just pulled a vital connection to my brain lmao
This weird thing on my finger. It's excruciating, and seems to be getting worse. Headed to the GP today, but figured you guys would find it interesting.
A fatty lipoma formed in my labia. Doctors thought it was a bartholian cyst before I had an ultrasound and a bunch of different people look at it. Sharing in case anyone else has/had this annoying thing. Very rare placement, apparently. Surgeory to come!
I think I'm getting a pimple in my nose. I've already tried to pop it 78 times. Send help! (Feel free to downvote, I know pics just aren't the same haha)