Made a highlight on an old stream of mine and get this whenever I or another person tries to play it... i've reloaded browser, cleared cache, turned off all adblockers and vpn's, etc. How do i fix this?
Unpopular Opinion: Twitch should just let these girls use dildos and stream nude at this point. They want it, Twitch wants it, we all want it, just make it happen.
What is happening here? These are new/default accounts that followed and subbed to me during a period I wasn't streaming. I am not big enough for random people to be subbing to me. Is there a new bot thing?
How do you fill in the "about" page on your twitch channel? Some of you may think that I'm talking about the bio, but no ps. I know that you probably fill it in somehow on the pc version, just can't find how, would really appreciate it if someone cou