I purposely lost all my points and now have 0. But it still shows up as 740 for some reason, its stuck at that number. Anyone had this before? It might be because I used Xtra for mobile, but im not sure.
My twitch stats surprised me so much because the only people who ever watch me are my friends who are followed and no one else ever talks so I’m just confused if the searches and other are all randoms or what?
This may be a dumb question, but I'm at a loss. I don't want to install another app if I can help it (authy..). If I don't install or log into Authy, will SMS be my default authenticator? If not, how can I enable SMS authentication?
Can someone in chat crash my stream? This chatter started talking then left this message and before I knew it my entire stream crashed as well as my game and steam itself. Should I be worried or just a troll being a troll?