Women are property, only in value because of their holes and properly adjusted attitudes. And in a proper society, they should be traded off for other goods and enjoy being considered valuable enough for that.
Feminism decries patriarchy and promises equality to all, like a good politician. Patriarchy actually treats all women equal, treats all women as usable and worthwhile objects, no matter the differences with the only exception that she knows her place an
It hadn't cleaned the floor before I got home from work. So I tied its hands behind its back, placed it in a stress position and then restrained it in place. It will learn or it will be sent back for re education.
The young pretty bitch didn't Bring me cum. I became angry and ordered my best Slave to whip her to death. She die it very cruel. (An alle deutschen hier: wäre jemand an nen deutschen Server in die Richtung interessiert? Wenn ja, dm)