So I have a question for y'all. The only person I watch on Twitch is Drako (who I'm subbed too). I never watched Fengrush's streams but it's constantly in my continue watching section? I'm the only person with access to my account, so no one else us
What is happening here? These are new/default accounts that followed and subbed to me during a period I wasn't streaming. I am not big enough for random people to be subbing to me. Is there a new bot thing?
I need help. My twitch account has a monthly consecutive glitch for a resubscription and it’s only one twitch streamer. Though it won’t allow me to resub on my browser either. I’ve contact twitch support and I’ve gotten the same result. It’ll r
Hey, heads up: during stream I was followbotted and these bots came into my discord and shared screenshots of gore. Please be cautious when you see similar names.
I just need to thank whoever working on twitch prime for making their game rewards SO much better, Fallen Order, Total Warhammer, are amazing games! So thank you to whoever working at twitch who works on prime