Made a highlight on an old stream of mine and get this whenever I or another person tries to play it... i've reloaded browser, cleared cache, turned off all adblockers and vpn's, etc. How do i fix this?
Hey so, I was streaming earlier today and I had all these people in my chat (probably lurking, I'm not sure) but even when I had someone actively talking, (three in fact) the view counter didn't change or update whatsoever. Am I doing something wrong?
Does this mean I'll be given a Founder's Badge if I continue my subscription after the 1 month gifted sub that someone gave to me or do I need to upgrade to Tier 2?
Welcome to the show. New to this streaming thing and giving it a go! Come through sometime! Going to be streaming MLB The Show, COD, and BF2042! Follow @DonkeyRopeTV!
Is this a legitimate streamelements email? I have only have 100 follows and they’re emailing about a sponsored stream, the email looks legitimate but I don’t recognise this email