I’ve been gone all week. So glad to be back home with Him. He ran me a hot bath, charged my Switch, and is making me breakfast for dinner as I get my Animal Crossing fix in. So good to be back home and where I belong.
Had a rilly rilly hard week trying to deal with being away from daddy soon. He let me go super little and do some coloring in his special book. Im gonna to miss himm sooooooo much 😭😭😭😭
Hi. I'm looking for other little friends since I don't know a lot of littles 🥺 Reddit is a bit confusing to me, so please just message me if you're looking for friends too!
Sometimes on the weekends Daddy goes to work and I stay home. I made this cute little page in my journal for what I’m supposed to do and what I’m not allowed to do. it’s nice being cared for and having something to fill my time that is productive a