What is happening here? These are new/default accounts that followed and subbed to me during a period I wasn't streaming. I am not big enough for random people to be subbing to me. Is there a new bot thing?
If I use this picture for my profile pic, will it get me In trouble? I just found the two pics. The Supreme one on Google, and the master chief helmet on reddit, I cropped the helmet so the background isn't in the image, and the Supreme meme didn't hav
My twitch stats surprised me so much because the only people who ever watch me are my friends who are followed and no one else ever talks so I’m just confused if the searches and other are all randoms or what?
I keep getting these weird users in my feed but they are not real people that I can talk to. how do I block this? Sometimes the list is 10 names long. most lead to just broadcasted chat channels.
Has anyone else been having trouble exporting their VODS. im using the same email for my vod channel and twitch but it says i dont have a channel associated with the email