Mighty Chase (left) Christmas Chase (right) I got Christmas chase from Walmart today, last one. Looks almost exactly like Halloween Chase that I got from eBay. Not really a cuddling stuffy, he's a holiday greeter. Mighty chase is a stuffy I got from eBa
I had a dream last night that Depends had made a new kinda pull-up style diaper/boxers and the padding looked like this (green is elastics, pink is the back padding and the blue is the front and leg padding. The dream didn’t have these colors)
I'd just like to say a massive THANK YOU to the mods at r/ABDL for organising and selecting me to be a winner of a ODU Gift card! I'd like to thank all the companies who have participated and I've helped out onesies down under with spending extra! I c
Trest Elite and ABDry diapers are visually identical but Trest has (IMO) 10%more SAP and ABDry has 10%more pulp. Thick wet or thick dry. What’s your preference?