Woke up to this lip pimple! I could feel it grow throughout the night, but was surprised to see how white it was this morning! Maybe I’ll take a video of popping it.
Epic pimple found on my inner thigh yesterday. This is a Screenshot from a longer video, let me know if you guys want me to repost it. Projectile much? Forbidden milk.
A recent study published in Behavioral Brain Research found that people who are aroused from watching pimple popping videos also also aroused from watching water fountain and steam cleaning videos. Is that true for you?
Milia Infected? I stupidly tried popping it. What to do? It's been 3 days of being swollen. I've tried teabags, warm compresses. I've had them for years.
I heard u guys like this kinda thing so I dug it outta the archives! not as impressive as the other bellybutton post :( felt v good when it was out tho :D