Twitch search/filter algorithm is BROKEN. Useless. In the "browse" section, filter is useless, u can find NOTHING. The "search" box basically let you find only exact channel names related queries. YOU ARE LOSING MILLIONS OF HOURS OF WATCHTIME. I come
Am tryna get general grounds for twitch growth and started streaming on twitch a few months ago constantly and was wondering if this is good growth or not?
Could someone explain, what/how these numbers are done? The only one I get is views by location which actually matches the total views in stream but what are the other things?
Dude said he could help promote my channel then these are the chats I get after I start streaming. They obviously look like bots and he wants me to invest in some promotion
Has this happened to anyone else? I've changed my stream key multiple times and still can't go live. Idk what to do at this point I'm not very experienced with streaming