Any feedback regarding width? I've read opposing reviews regarding regular width. Some say it's too narrow, some say it's just right and the toe box makes up for width, with no need of wide version. Has anybody had a pair before?
Can someone please help me identify the model name of these Timberland boots? All I know is that they are Sensorflex. I am trying to find a good used sales price for them. Thanks!
Bulled my Grenson Fred natural grain/nubuck hybrids and gave them stained white leather laces, with the white vibram sole they’re like Converse on steroids.
Looking to get my size 9 ee corocran 1525 field boots resoled, but with the same bottom, but having the sole spacer removed, too tall for what i need, ballpark what should a solid resole on both cost me?
hi! i recently got cadet boots, and i’m not so sure how to polish them to become glass shiny. i’ve seen plenty of tutorials & nothing is working. the thing is my boots are like those porous boots, not those smooth surfaces. they feel smooth but y