In regards of Twitch Rivals. Ive been Enjoying the last Twitch Rivals. But in many occasions, viewers coudn't watch anything, at least from the Streamers perspective, because there was people (staff and stremers) standing in front of the camera. Maybe t
I went to go check viewer list before stream and BAM! I've got a whole bot-party in here!! Never seen this many bots in my stream before! Any reason why this would happen?
Just went to look on twitch and i saw this. I have not touched this site for ~2 months and i have not been breaking any guidelines becuase i have not streamed for like a year. (Its in swedish so translate anything if you don't understand).
Does this mean I'll be given a Founder's Badge if I continue my subscription after the 1 month gifted sub that someone gave to me or do I need to upgrade to Tier 2?