27 year old. Obedient and happy to serve. Experienced in vaginal, oral and anal play. Prefers men but will fuck women too if prompted. Bidding starts at $500. Highest bidder wins.
Healthy female slave age 28. Blonde hair, nice tits and ass. Experienced in vaginal, oral and anal sex. House broken and eager to please. Bidding starts at $1000
Another Bulk Sale. All well used, but thoroughly broken, originally purchased for use as prey in hunting tournament games. 50$ starting bid on each. Individual bids only.
This just came in . Fully trained she has been trained for single or group use . Dr tested , all clean . She is 28 and now chipped . Can we start the bidding 250 USD
Slave for sale! Sarah, age 19. She has only received mild obedience training and still has a substantial rebellious streak. She is a virgin and a lesbian, and I will only accept bids from men who intend to use her as a pleasure slave. Starting bid $700