49, 170 pounds, 5’9”. Lost 65 pounds so far thanks to working out after work and also diet. Very proud of where I am at now and where I am still going.
39F, 5’6”, 145lbs - Almost a year after my last child, breasts already starting to shrink as I lose milk and carrying all my weight on the bottom half.
28F, 130 lbs 5’6” My hopefully normal lips. Bit insecure about the wrinkles and outer labia overall, sometimes it feels like there’s a lot of skin there
f, 26yo, 152 lbs, 5’0”. 2 days after breast reduction surgery. it hurt too much to relax my shoulders back, stand up straight, do all the things I do to feel attractive and comfortable. and yet, I felt SO much more like myself, like I had the body I